Friday, May 4, 2012

Texting Grizzly

Here is a recent texting conversation between my friend and I. We met at Girl Scout Camp, so instead of his real name, he's in my phone as Grizzly. Grrrrrrrrr. Deal with it.

Grizzly: So how's college?

Me: I should be studying for finals. Instead: THE INTERNET!!!

Grizzly: Story of my life. How am I supposed to study when I have so much music to keep up on?

Me: I <3 design blogs.

Grizzly: Really? To the point where it's a part time profession or hobby?

Me: Profession. Full time.

Me: Reading them should be my profession. Someone hire me. I'm obsessed.

Upon which Grizzly takes half a century to reply, so I do what I normally do when no one answers: keep talking.

Me: I consider it research. I am studying architecture. Totally counts.

An hour later...

Grizzly: Fair enough. I guess my next logical career choice would be to become a music critic then. I've nailed the pretentious part.

Me (Instantly, because I am a good texter): Haha. Get some hipster clothes and you're ready to go!!

Grizzly: I'm already over the hipster thing. They have taste in music. But my glasses aren't preventing every single person I know with slight knowledge of my musical tastes from branding me as one. It's quite the dilemma.

Me: tell me about it....

Grizzly: Ok. My phone is being a quite irritating and won't download this picture. WTF.

Me: hahah funny. It's a picture of me in my equally hipsterish glasses wearing an expression of empathy.

Grizzly: Wow. Im totally missing out on this. Whatever. Empathy though, I'd love to see what that looks like.

Me: By empathy I mean, I'm crosseyed and sticking my tongue out....

Grizzly: Of course you are.

PS. picture from here.

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