Saturday, November 19, 2011

10 Things I'd Rather Do than Physics

1. Go skydiving. I've always wanted to do this, but then I remember I have no money and would probably be so terrified I'd forget to let out the parachute and then I'd wet myself and die.

2. Go scuba diving in a cave full of man eating sharks.

3. Be vegan for a week. This would be pure torture, because 90% of my protein intake comes from ice cream and milk.

4. Run out of underwear and not have time to do laundry for a week. I could do this. Frequent showers and lots of leggings/workout clothes

5. 1 hour of weeding. No longer though.

6. Stay up all night at a concert and then take a red eye with 2 lay-overs  to New England and not sleep on the plane and then move into a new place of residence.

7. All my other homework and reading for the next month.

8. Run around the block naked.

9. Run around the block multiple times clothed. This is a big one considering the most I've run in the last four years was 3/4ths of a mile.

10. Raise a goat from kid to 4 years old and live on a farm with out speaking to any other human being until I can teach my goat basic calculus.

So this is probably why I've dropped physics.... Twice. 

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