Friday, September 30, 2011

Dog Poop

I just ate a steaming bowl of dog poop. It was delicious.

Let me explain.

It's a cookie. My Oma used to make them for her kids when they were little and then they started making it and eventually taught my generation. They're chocolate, peanut butter, oatmeal cookies. And they're amazing!

Anyways, when my sister was little one of her favorite things to discuss was dog poop. I don't know why, but she would always bring it up. My dad's cologne? Smelled like dog poop according to Bronwyn.

Where was the dog? Out side making dog poop. What was for dinner? Dog poop. One day my mom made these cookies. My sister ate one and when we asked her what she thought she said, "They taste like dog poop. They look like dog poop too!"

They definitely taste nothing like dog poop. They do, however, look like dog poop. Ever since then we've called these cookies "dog poop." Its comical when other people over hear us talking about the cookies. They must think we're on crack or fear factor something.

Anyways, I made them tonight and ate a bowlful of the dough before it cooled to cookie form with a glass of milk. DELICIOUS. Normally, I'd eat it with vanilla ice cream on top, but I didn't have ice cream or any alternative (whipped cream, unwhipped cream poured from the container, yogurt), so I had to make due.

We've been making these cookies forever. They're super easy, super quick, and oooohhh sooooo yummy! They don't even require an oven! Perfect for dorms/lazy people like me.

Here's the recipe for Dog Poop:

Combine these in a pot on the stove, stir until it boils.
2 cups sugar (1 cup if you're feeling healthy, 1.5 cups if you're feeling healthy, but craving sugar)
1 stick butter
1/3 cup cocoa
1/2 cup milk 

Once it boils, take it off the heat and stir in:
1 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup peanut butter
2.5-3 cups oatmeal
some nuts if you're feeling healthy/like nuts

Then they're done!

Do yourself a favor and scoop a bunch out into a bowl while its still hot, put a scoop of ice cream on top,  and eat it with a spoon!

The rest you can spoon on to a baking sheet (cover the sheet with wax paper if you hate to wash dishes!). Each little spoonful will be a cookie once they cool and dry.


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