Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I love...

I love other people's parents.

Especially in Boston.

Here they take out to dinner and its FREE for me.

Now, there are a lot of things I enjoy in this world, but food is definitely at the top of that list. I love food. I think about food all the time. Wanna get me to do pretty much anything? Food. Or money. Money would probably work too. But wanna know what I'd spend that money on? Food. Delicious, fresh, organic, rich, healthy, vitamin-y food.

The only problem is food is really expensive. Especially when you live in Boston but hold food to a California fresh standard and then you're a vegetarian and try to buy expensive fake meat products all the time. Then everything is problematic and really all you eat is bananas because bananas always taste the same now matter where  you are in the USA and because you just discovered you liked bananas after proclaiming a deep hatred of them for the last 15 years.

So anyways, when someone's parents take you to dinner and its free and delicious and you didn't have to make it yourself in the laundry room/ kitchen two floors down everything is amazing. And there is peace in your life. Also happiness and a full stomach.

It was MIT's Parent's Weekend this past weekend. Family friends who have a son going there took me out to dinner too. It was amazing. And delicious. We went to Wagamama in Harvard Square. I ate a huge amount of something delicious with rice.

So thank you, Sam & Jenny. My life is now much happier. You did that. You transformed my life. The happy memories of free restaurant food will linger in my mind for at least a month.

mmmmmmm.... I love food.

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