Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Have NO Life

I decided to edit my resume today and actively search for internships and be smart and professional. It was a bad decision.

Yesterday my ex-boyfriend mentioned that he put an "activities" section on his resume and it was long and made him look good and blah blah blah.

Well I decided that sounded al fun and dandy. So I wrote "Activities:" at the bottom of my resume. So far so good.

Then I typed: "Captain of varsity fencing team at Tufts University 2011-2012 season." Yay! I'm a sophomore and I'm a captain! That's got to look good! Leadership qualities and all!

Then I stared at my computer screen for ten minutes trying to think of things I do...

I realized I don't do anything else. I fence, go to class, go to work, eat, and sleep. THAT IS IT!

I've decided to attend a PACT meeting next Friday. I put "active in PACT" on my resume. I think I'll apply to write a column in the Daily.

Then I'll have activities!!! Then I'll be productive!

That is me being productive. Apparently I'll need to have extensive plastic surgery in the future. Anyone wanna donate an arm or two?

I made a to-do list with 25 items. I got to cross off 9 of them because I'm just that awesome! (Or because I put things I'd already done on the list...)

I will be productive!

I will be active!

I should run for the collegiate senate!

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