Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I am bad at music. I cannot play an instrument, despite many attempts throughout elementary and middle school. I listen to only a few bands regularly. Most of my itunes songs have 1 or less plays. I haven't uploaded music in over a year.

But I do love to sing along. Especially in my awesome car. Unfortunately my car is currently living at my parents house. So I have to sing along to my ipod in my room by myself, which is just not nearly as cool.

Mostly though, I hate it when I'm singing along to a song and the artist gets the words wrong.

"You're toxic, I'm slipping under. Yeah."

Oh no, Britney Spears. Get it right: "Your toxic gums slipping over me."

"I set fire to the rain. Watched pour as I touched your face. Let it burn while I cry, cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name."

Um. Nope. Sorry Adele. Try: "I set fire to the rain. Watched it burn as I cried in vain, 'cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name."

The only part of a song that every artist sings along with me correctly, is the music solos. And that's only because they're silent and I'm still making weird guttural noises and pretending to be a guitar.

***UPDATE*** 2/21/12

Just realized I've been singing "Now that I'm poor in Beijing" as part of a lyric to an Interpol song. Well turns out they've got it wrong. They are not world travelers. Booooring.

They're just "poor and aging."


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