Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sometimes I'm Grouchy

Every now and then I find it difficult to deal with humanity.

Usually this occurs when I have gotten less than 9 hours of sleep. Which, actually, is always. Less than 7 hours, though, and my tolerance for anything remotely bad disappears faster than alcohol from a frat party.

So the other morning I woke up at my usual ungodly hour for practice. When that was over I had a yoga class, which I take because it's conveniently in the same room.

On this particular morning I was in a grouchy mood for no particular reason. After practice was over I got out my mat and lay down. I immediately closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep for the ten minutes before everyone else in the class arrived.

I always try this. It never actually works, but I dream big.

Eventually the instructor calls the class together and asks everyone to sit. This message always seems to be announced right when I actually slip into deep sleep.

On this morning, everything seemed as usual until I opened my eyes a few minutes into sitting.

Someone sat in front of me. Uncomfortably close to me. I put my mat down way before anyone else in the class even arrived. WHY WAS THIS GIRL SO CLOSE TO ME?

I was already too tall for my mat. In several poses I end up with half my body on the floor and half on the mat. With this chick in front of me I would not be able to take the class. I would have to move myself and this mat.


I began to feel the irrational anger building up inside of me.



Then I sprang to my feet and grabbed her with my velociraptor claws and bit off her head with my velociraptor jaws.

Only my lack of ability to turn into a velociraptor prevented this from occurring.

In reality I just sulked and moved my mat a minute later.

I was still angry though.

I considering following her and attacking at a later point.

But instead I bought a day old muffin for a dollar. Miraculously, I felt much better and less violent after that!

Food inevitably calms my inner velociraptor.

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